Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My favorite cartoon character by Joshua

My favorite cartoon character is Bugs Bunny. He is the fun character and he bounces up and down in the sky. He says "bub" and pokes out his tongue. His ears go up and down. He eats carrots. Daffy Duck is Bugs Bunny's friend and he be talking funny.


Anonymous said...

Hey Joshua,
Bugs is definitely one of the super-fly cartoon characters. Another super-cool cartoon character was “Snagglepuss”. He was a pink tiger who was just as crafty and funny as Bugs.
Scott (Berkeley)

Anonymous said...

Hey What's up, Joshua?
I like Bugs Bunny too, but my favorite is Daffy Duck. i like how he talks and how he jumps around like crazy, saying, "Woo woo!" Thanks for writing.
Charles in California